
Sticker designs
By sketching the outlines then scanning them into my computer, I achieved this unique look for stickers.

Logo Designs
A few iterations for Pleb Print Shop, my independent, artisan, bitcoin-only shop.

Tiny Inkling
A book of poems, an ongoing project.

Murals at Pleb Lab
I dress up the hackerspace for nerds with some color.

Pleb Crafts
The slide deck I created for my zine workshop hosted at Pleb Lab.

Pleb Lab Yearbook
The title and back page of a zine.

Amateur painting with acrylics
I took a photo of a building that I see frequently, and it struck me, out of nowhere, that it was within my reach to represent it in paint on canvas.I'm playing this game where I have to build up the nerve to touch it again every two weeks. Unfinished for now, but happy where I'm at with it.
Rascal Creek - printed Christmas 2021
My grandpa told me a story from when he was a boy, and I was so amused by it, I imagined it had happened to me. That imagination became a short story. That short story became this book which I wrote, set, designed, folded, and stitched for my family members for Christmas.Some of my tools are included in the images. I was very happy creating this book, and pleased with the result.